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Reporting malware to Patchman

You can report malicious files that the solution does not currently detect to Patchman in a variety of ways. By doing this, you're helping us protect your platform, but also those of other Patchman users through the concept of herd immunity; if only a single Patchman customer finds and reports a malicious file, it may end up (if valid) being quarantined / cleaned across all servers protected by Patchman. 

Regardless of the submission method, malware will be thoroughly checked and tested before being added to our detection database (either as a file hash for exact matching, or as a dynamic signature in CLEAN).

Once it is, Patchman will be able to detect & quarantine/clean said across your entire platform.

How to report a malicious file

Via the command-line using patchman-report

You can report malware to us directly on the command line on any server that has the Patchman agent installed. In order do do this, simply call the command 'patchman-report' followed by the path to the malicious file:

patchman-report /path/to/file.php

Via the API

You can also report malware via the Patchman portal API, using the following endpoint. Note that this can also be used to submit malware via the browser:

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.