Organization identifier
Every organization in the Portal has its own organization identifier. This identifier consists of a unique combination of letters (a-z), numbers (0-9), underscores (_) and hyphens (-). The maximum length of the identifier is 50 characters.
The organization identifier is automatically generated based on the name of your organization. You can check the generated identifier in your organization profile in the Portal. If you are not satisfied with the identifier that was generated for your organization, you can always update it in this view.
You are required to enter this identifier alongside your password and email address during the login process for the Patchman Portal. The identifier is also a part of your login URL. This enables you to bookmark the page, in order to avoid having to enter your organization identifier each time you want to log in.
If you did not receive an email containing your organization's identifier, or in case you lose the email and do not remember the identifier, please reach out to our support department for assistance.